Since the covid19
pandemic hit across the globe it was a difficult situation
for millions of people to survive and put food on their tables everyday especially in most third world countries.This was caused by the fact of that many family heads lost their jobs or source of living.
The Maasai community of Kenya mainly depended on pastrolism to survive where they moved their animals in search of food and water. It was difficult at this time due to lockdown and border crossing restriction.
Vizazi international and Vizazi family Kenya launched the foodbag campaigns to assist the affected families. We could visit the AIC church in Oloropil Kajiado Kenya once a month to donate foodbags once a month.This helped us reach over 300 families during these hard times.
We however would like to continue supporting this project to a great extend and help them due to the ongoing drought happenings across Kenya.Our target to reach 600 families with 600 foodbags and essential during the christmas period. Each food bag will contain three 2kg maize flour,three 2kg wheat flour,3 liters cooking oil,2kg sugar among other essentials like soap. Each food bag costs 2000 Kenya shillings.