Ein Zuhause zu haben ist die Grundlage für Entwicklung und Eigenständigkeit. Einen solchen Raum bieten wir mit unserem Projekt Homerun
Durch eine Patenschaft ermöglicht man seinem Patenkind eine bessere Zukunft.
Unabhängigkeit und einen festen Ort an dem alle unsere Wege zusammenfinden, bietet uns unsere Farm in Kamulu.
Since the Covid19 pandemic hit worldwide, it has been a difficult situation for millions of people to survive and put food on their tables every day, especially in most third world countries. This was caused by the fact that many heads of families lost their jobs or livelihoods. Kenya’s Maasai community relied primarily on pastoralism for survival, where they moved their animals in search of food and water. It was difficult at this point due to lockdowns and border crossing restrictions. Vizazi international and Vizazi family Kenya started the food bag campaigns to help the affected families. We were able to visit the AIC church in Oloropil Kajiado Kenya once a month to donate bags of food once a month.This helped us to reach over 300 families in these difficult times. However, we would like to continue supporting this project on a large scale and helping them due to the ongoing drought in Kenya. Our goal is to reach 600 families with 600 bags of groceries and essentials over the Christmas period. Each food bag contains three 2kg corn flour, three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings. three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings. three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap.Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings. Each food bag contains three 2kg corn flour, three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings. three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings. three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings. Each food bag contains three 2kg corn flour, three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings.three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings. three 2kg wheat flour, 3L cooking oil, 2kg sugar and other essentials such as soap. Each bag of groceries costs 2,000 Kenyan shillings.